The Association of the United States Army is a nonprofit educational and professional development association serving America’s Army and supporters of a strong national defense. AUSA provides a voice for the Army, supports the Soldier, and honors those who have served in order to advance the security of the nation.


AUSA supports soldiers, their families and Army civilians, provides a voice for the Army, and honors those who have served. As the Army’s premier, nonprofit, educational and professional association, we:

Educate those we serve (soldiers and their families, Army civilians, retired soldiers and veterans, and the businesses and industries that support the Army) with programs, products, resources and events…Inform our members, Congress and the American public about issues affecting America’s Army – Regular Army, Army National Guard and Army Reserve, and…Connect America’s Total Army, its industry partners, like-minded associations and other supporters at the national, regional and chapter levels.


To be recognized by the Army, Congress, our industry partners and communities across the nation as the Army’s premier association and the foremost supporter of the Total Army.


Dedication: We are dedicated to our mission and to our members, displaying it through our service and commitment.

Innovation: We value innovative approaches to programs and technology.

Excellence: We value, encourage, recognize and reward excellence.

Inclusion: We are inclusive and embrace diversity.

Integrity: We expect integrity within ourselves and our stakeholders.

Nonpartisan: In all we do, we are nonpartisan and apolitical.


AUSA is open to everyone, whether you have a relationship with the US Army, or would simply like to offer your support to our soldiers. All Army ranks and all components are represented in AUSA-- including Regular Army, National Guard, Army Reserve, Government Civilians, Retirees, Wounded Warriors, Veterans, concerned citizens and family members. Indeed AUSA welcomes anyone who subscribes to the philosophy of a strong national defense with special concern for the Army. Community businesses and defense industry companies are also vital and contributing members of AUSA. Join Now!


Join AUSA, the Army’s premier professional association and host of the largest land power exposition in the U.S.AUSA is open to everyone—including all ranks and components—whether you have a relationship with the U.S. Army or simply want to honor those who serve.

Premium Members

Premium members receive access to AUSA’s monthly ARMY Magazine, events, professional networks, Soldier and Family programs, reports and studies, podcasts, member-only scholarships, job and resume support, and free legal services.Members are also invited to join their local chapter network, participate in advocacy campaigns, and use member discounts including registration and tickets.

Association Members

Association Partnership with AUSA is an opportunity for like-minded military service organizations to join AUSA to show their support for the total Army, our Soldiers, DoD Civilians, and their families and to provide AUSA membership benefits to all or a subset of their constituents.Association members receive basic membership benefits PLUS access to the digital ARMY Magazine, scholarships, and free legal services. Members are encouraged to join their local chapter and use their extensive member discounts.

Community Partners

AUSA’s Community Partners are local businesses, large corporations, civic groups, veteran’s organizations, societies and local community groups that support the U.S. Army.Community partners receive access to limited exhibiting opportunities, advertising opportunities, a dedicated local affiliation, plus 2, 5, or 10 premium memberships. With over 122 Chapters nationwide, there is always a perfect partnership for you.

National Partners

National Partners are large and small businesses, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and professional organizations that support the U.S. Army.National Partners receive exclusive exhibiting opportunities, reduced registration rates and exhibit costs, a listing in the AUSA Industry Guide, Army recognition, sponsorship and advertising opportunities, national and local affiliations, insight into the latest Army needs, plus 50 premium memberships.​


Whether you are interested in membership, making a donation, or want to participate in an AUSA event there are a number of reasons why you should lend your support to AUSA.


AUSA is here to serve the entire Army - Regular Army, National Guard, Reserve, Retired Soldiers, Government Civilians, Wounded Warriors, Veterans, concerned citizens and family members.


AUSA speaks out for the men and women of the United States Army who proudly serve our country.


AUSA has 122 chapters located worldwide. Made up entirely of volunteers, they provide recreational and educational opportunities to Soldiers and their families. AUSA and its' chapters contribute over $5,000,000 to awards, scholarships, and support of soldier and family programs annually. Their mission is to support our Soldiers and the civilians and families who work alongside of them in the local community.


AUSA is your professional association. As an Army professional, you need to keep current on issues that affect you in the work place and network with other soldiers, retirees, veterans and the defense industry. AUSA offers you the opportunity to accomplish this through its numerous publications and events such as the Annual Meeting, AUSA Breakfasts, Hot Topics and the Global Force Symposium.


Born on July 5, 1950, the Association of the United States Army had a clear purpose. America’s foundational military force needed to speak with one voice.In a joint message, a group of World War II wartime leaders accustomed to protecting their service branch showed they were ready to lock arms for a loftier cause. “Let us put our resources and efforts into an association that can keep in the forefront the importance and requirements of the cutting edge of our national defense – in particular, the needs of the soldiers and their families that are the Army,” declared top Army leaders from the Infantry Association and Field Artillery Association.AUSA’s first president was Gen. Wade H. Haislip, an infantry officer serving as Army vice chief of staff. President Harry S. Truman, a former artilleryman, was the honorary president. Seventy years later, AUSA has expanded, but its purpose hasn’t changed. As an educational nonprofit, AUSA aims to be the Army’s professional association, dedicated to educational development, advancing national security and promoting greater recognition of the Army’s vital role in American life, past, present and future.AUSA is a growing organization, tripling its membership since 2017, with plans to continue expanding its size, reach and influence.

LANPAC TECHNET Korea 2025: A Showcase of Innovation and Collaboration in the Korean Theater

LANPAC TECHNET Korea 2025: A Showcase of Innovation and Collaboration in the Korean Theater

Get Ready for LANPACKorea 2025! This year, the premier international event for defense technology and collaboration, LANPACKorea 2025, is returning to Korea, bigger and better than ever before. ...more


January 06, 20252 min read

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is AUSA Korea?

AUSA Korea is the local chapter of the Association of the United States Army, supporting soldiers, their families, and Army civilians in South Korea.

What areas does AUSA Korea cover?

AUSA Korea covers Areas I, II, III, and IV, which encompass the regions of DongDuChon, UiJongBu, Yongsan, Pyeongteak, Daegu, and Pusan.

What services does AUSA Korea offer?

AUSA Korea provides a variety of services for its members, including networking opportunities, professional development, advocacy, and community involvement.

What events does AUSA Korea host?

AUSA Korea hosts a variety of events throughout the year, including the annual LANPAC TECHNET Korea conference, unit events, youth events, and community events.

How can I register for LANPAC TECHNET KOREA 2025?

You can register for LANPAC TECHNET KOREA 2025 by visiting the event website: https://app.swapcard.com/event/lanpac-technet-korea-2025

AUSA USA HQs: 2425 Wilson Blvd, Arlington Virginia 22201 | TEL +1 936-337-4020

AUSA Korea Chapter: USAG Camp Humphreys, Pyeongteak Shi, Korea TEL: +82 0104410-1150

PSC 400 BOX 2435, APO, AP 96273 [Bldg. No. P481, Room #307]